Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

Welcome, and thank you for considering us as your source for guidance, inspiration, and growth. Arnold Group is home of “Sphere-Logic Business Thinking”; a more practical way of doing business. A get 'out-of-the-box realm, and into a new realm of business logic; where sight is much clearer, vivid, and decisions are quicker.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Reinventing! Chiseling into a wheel.

 Part 2 in the series of: Box or Sphere?

  You can’t get momentum working from a box, no matter how big or small, no matter how hard you try. Some say to think outside the box. Whether you’re inside it or outside it, you’re still working “with the box”. The sphere is a wheel that you motivate traction with push momentum is easily activated in any given direction. Both take teamwork, granted, but wouldn’t you rather get something done in the process? With less fatigue and stress.
Like spokes on a wheel, your sphere has many opportunities of forward-momentum. Here’s just a couple:

The Box                                                                       

1. Can only work on one side at a time.                       
2. As you push or pull your box mentality, dust as you go.
3. Creating friction.                  

The Sphere

1. Is continually in motion while momentum is a constant growth.
2. Your wheel moves freely, no hard pushing or pulling.
3. Easily navigates.

The box is grounded by what you put into it or around it, and can get stuck in a position of complacency. So can the wheel, if its drivers are determined to do nothing. Now, if the drivers are determined and start moving progressively as a unit, then the motivation begins. BUT, unlike the box, even determined people can get the box to flip one side at a time, but look at the struggle to do so. Not with the wheel. Once you get moving, its easier, and more agile.

  Are you still working with the box mentality? Whether you’re in it or outside it, leaning on it is still hindering opportunity for growth. Until you put wheels under that box, there isn’t going to be much momentum. Get on the “M” bus with the wheels, and start moving your business in the direction and speed you would like it to be at.   

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sphere (wheel) or Box?

   For quite some time now we've all heard about the "Box". Taco Bell got kind of smart and started thinking outside the "box". Watching business go from inside the box to outside the box and back in and then... you see where we've been going? In and out, but not making any real progress after all these years.

  Now it's time to revolutionize your thinking! It's time for the Circle! The "circle" you say! Yes the Circle. You see, not everyone will agree, at least not all at the same time, whether to be in or out of the box. The circle on the other hand drives through all that "STUFF". There's no rough edge, but it doesn't break. There are no corners to fix or confuse anyone. A circle is continuous feed that doesn't bend or break. Most importantly, it rolls, it's in motion. Everyone can get along with that, right?

  The circle is a sphere that can be seen thru. Together we push it thru easy processes and together we push it up some hard to work processes, but it's done as a team. Yet, at the same time we all have our own individual style working with one another.
  No one has ever said that starting or running a business was easy, even living life for that matter. In this next part of (Box vs. Circle [sphere]) let’s go a little farther.

  Imagine a big box; now imagine that box at the bottom of a hill. Now you and your team have to push that klutzy box to the top of the hill. Now if you and your team are strong enough you probably will get it to the top - eventually! Now here we go...
GET rid of the box and replace it with a sphere (circle). Getting up to the top of the hill is #1. easier; #2. quicker; #3. more time for other important things.

  Gravity is always pushing downward, but we have just figured out a way to push against gravity a little less effortlessly.

  Look at this one great example of box vs. sphere. Without using the name, you'll know the company. The vacuum cleaner guy that put a ball (sphere) in the center and took away the 4 wheels (or the box). Vacuuming has never better.

  It takes a little time to get acclimated to the sphere (circle) and put away your box syndrome, but once you start, you'll be looking for more and much bigger hills to roll up!

  This is part of my GPS (gravitational positioning standard). Using gravity in the business world to work positively in your favor.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Leading Leadership

Everyone talks about it; few there are who understand it. Most people want it; and few achieve it. James C. Georges once said: What is leadership? Remove for a moment the moral issues behind it, and there is only one definition: Leadership is the ability to obtain followers.

Leaders are made not born, developed-not discovered. All leaders can manage, but not all managers can lead, but they can be taught. Do you want to see who leads the pack? Look and see where the followers are going. You’ll find her/him there.

At some time through out your life you will lead someone in something. A student influenced by a teacher, a couple influenced by the waiter at a diner, etc. You see, it’s everywhere…even in you to some degree.

There are great leaders, some for good, some for bad. Hitler, Jim Jones…for the bad.
Winston Churchill, J. F. Kennedy, Jesus of Nazareth…for the good. Yet all were leaders (influencers).

Great leaders are people persons. It’s a two way street. As you coach your team, invest your time, and life in them it doesn’t go unnoticed. It grows and rebounds back bigger than when it went out.
Think you’re a good leader? Look behind you; do you see followers, or are you just taking a walk? Don’t just be a manager, a supervisor, a boss. Be a Leader!