Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

Welcome, and thank you for considering us as your source for guidance, inspiration, and growth. Arnold Group is home of “Sphere-Logic Business Thinking”; a more practical way of doing business. A get 'out-of-the-box realm, and into a new realm of business logic; where sight is much clearer, vivid, and decisions are quicker.

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Monday, March 10, 2014

Is Mediocrity Destroying Your... part II

In our last discussion we asked the question, Is mediocrity posing a threat (problem) in your life or career?
 Here are five (to start) not-so-simple steps to start overcoming mediocrity. Always easy to say, but sticking with them is another story. Hopefully you will be able to promulgate your victory.

First, lets define it:

              According to Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary
              Medio (Gk)= combining form of middle= average
              Mediocre= to be average
              Mediocrity= to take the middle (ground)

  First step toward breaking the average, is breaking your 'routine'. Routine is doing the same thing every morning, driving to work the same route, maybe every Tuesday is pasta nite. Change your routine and get away from your comfort-zone. Change the sound on your alarm, but start somewhere, even the small things will make big change.

  Second step is to work on your thinking. How you think, what you think, ask yourself why do I think this way? What's the root cause for my attitude in this area of my life? Asking yourself these types of questions will open some of the reasoning behind your logic. Perception of how you want to see yourself, where you see yourself in a specific time period, brings us to...

Third thing is forward-vision. Some call it daydreaming, but without it your stuck in 'mediocrity'. Visualize your dream, write it down, be it on paper, I-Pad, Nook; then read it everyday. Add to it, take from it as needed, but start pushing toward that goal. If you don't you, no one will. You are in charge of your future, but it must start today!

Forth one thing you must remember, all side steps are not break-downs in your plans. sometimes you have to level out, regroup and get ready for the next step. You may have to learn something before moving forward. While climbing the mountain the paths turn here and there, sometimes they may take you down several feet, but the path will ultimately bring you to the top of the peak.

 Fifth its not when or how old you are, its are you doing it. Look at some examples of those who rose against mediocrity:

           Ted Williams, at age 42, slammed a home run in his last official time at bat.

          Mickey Mantle, age 20, hit 23 home runs his first full year in the major leagues.

          Golda Meir was 71 when she became Prime Minister of Israel.

          William Pitt II was 24 when he became Prime minister of Great Britain.

      Now how about this? Benjamin Franklin was a newspaper columnist at 16

  and a framer of the United States Constitution when he was 81.

"You’re never too young or too old if you’ve got talent."
Let’s recognize that age has little to do with ability.

 Arnold Group has been raising organizations up from mediocre pit for since 2002. If you don't want to settle for just getting by anymore, check us out. www.AGRPLLC.com

For more information email:

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Your company’s culture is dwindling.

Your company’s culture is dwindling, or maybe you don't have much of one. Maybe you've never thought about 'Culture" in your work-place. What can be done; how did it get this way? Maybe it was never really there to begin with.  Or just lost in the shuffle of everyday life. Whatever the case...

                                    Written by Jack Arnold and William Gibbs

  When a company has no set values, motives, mission, and goal you’re looking to produce failure not production in the long run. Without these you’ll have radicals in the organization tearing out the fiber of your very existence.

  What is company culture anyway? Culture:

Webster’s dictionary says it this way:

(The shared set of attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization;
The set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic.)

  Is everyone in the company on the same team oriented mind –set? Are you all reaching for the same goals with the same attitude? Not many companies are. Granted some are more-well to do than others, at least they have the appearance they do. A few that do have it together are Southwest, Virgin, and Apple. They have built their organizations on culture first, production second.

   One may feel it’s too late to change now; we’ve been on this road too long to turn back now. It’s never too late! If your doors are open today you still have the chance to change. You need to take the first step. That would be linear adjustment in attitude, character, values, company motive and goals. Without these key ingredients you are destined to fail.

  * Everyone knows his skilled primary function, cross-training applies.
  *All employees need to have a positive attitude about their job/career. You don’t need negativity in the work place; and don’t make room for it.
  *Character is built on non-compromise. If you compromise even the little things, the character of the organization is flawed.
  *Don’t waiver on true values. Your production level of quality should be at its very best.
  *Everyone should be on the same page with a common goal.

  We want to strive for a common goal and the betterment of the company; not just customer satisfaction but also employee satisfaction, from the CEO on down the line to the very last person. The up-side to all of this is:
Vender satisfaction- they know exactly what and when you have a need,
Customer satisfaction- they know they’ll have quality parts in a quantifiable time,
Self (company) satisfaction- the ROI in progress is monumental.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Innovative ways in…Keeping the old new!

    You've  been in the business for a long time now. You’ve come accustom to things just as they are. The things that motivated you then lost their luster. Your business is just ‘another day at the office’, ‘business as usual’. How do you bring back the excitement that you begin with?

   Remember  the day you opened the company door. No matter what the weather may have been, you felt great. You awaited your associates at the door, hoping they were on time and that your choices were the best. You were the king-of-the-hill, the captain of your domain. Whether you’re a retailer or a manufacturer, the excitement that was there, somehow it got clouded, it can come back.
   You  do the same routine day after day. Back then you had nothing to take for granted, let’s face it, everything was new. After time we fall into molds, molds we’ve created unconsciously. It’s time to break the mold and make it new again. Let’s look into a few things that can help bring back that luster.
   First, change the order of things the best you can. Granted some things must come at the beginning of the day, but there is a lot that can be juggled around.

    Second, you start your meetings at 10:00am every day; make it a half hour earlier or later instead. It will get your meetings to become a bit more interesting if you change the starting topic as well.  If needed bring up the most crucial first, then change it up.
   Third, check e-mails at a different time slot. Maybe half in the morning and the other before you call it a day.
   Forth, take lunch at a different time; bring someone other than the same old people. And it doesn’t have to be about work all the time. Change the conversation like sports, the weather, etc.
  Fifth, take a pleasure tour of your shop; greet your employees with enthusiasm. That will wake them up. This is supposed to be a cordial moment.

   These  are just a few small steps to take away the hum-drum out of everyday at the office. Remembering why you started in the first place is the right and first place to start.
For more information on how we can help bring back that excitement visit our web-site: