Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

Welcome, and thank you for considering us as your source for guidance, inspiration, and growth. Arnold Group is home of “Sphere-Logic Business Thinking”; a more practical way of doing business. A get 'out-of-the-box realm, and into a new realm of business logic; where sight is much clearer, vivid, and decisions are quicker.

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Friday, April 18, 2014

A Matter of Perception

                    Co-written by Jack Arnold, CC & Pres. of Arnold Group, LLC & Bill Gibbs, Printing Specialist Consultant
   Perceive: V : to observe/ understand. Perception : N : judgement, understanding, discernment, and/or insight. These are Webster's definition, notice the first (observe); this word is to keep an eye on, to watch intently with keen understanding. To gain insight is to view things from differing points, whether they be from self evaluations, or from a group dialog.

   This is the reason for staff meetings; to bring out the best antidote for the situation(s) that arise. This moon
looks like it is touching the earth, but the reality is it's 252,088 miles away.

   Say   we were to meet at the beach for lunch, and I would bring lunch and you would bring the drinks. We agree that 1:00 is a good time. So here we are at the beach, you pull out a couple cold soft drinks and I pull out a can of sardines and a jar of Vienna sausages.

    Nothing  was said of the meal we just had until we finished I asked, "What did you think of lunch?" Thoughts are now going through your mind 'jarred sausage and canned sardines, yummy, good thing I brought the drinks!',  but you don't out of politeness (assuming), you might say something like this. "Well that was different, not quite expected." So I ask prying a little bit deeper into what had happened with our meal. You probably would answer something like this.         "Well we had sardines and sausages with a good soda on the beach in the sand." You would be absolutely right.

    On  the other hand I return with a different point of view on the same thing, I say, " We just had surf and turf at the beach front with an ocean view." This would also be correct. Your perception of how you view life is important. "The glass is half full vs. half empty, it's very dark in the room vs. there's a little light."
  Just a note here, don't bring that to your next luncheon.

   It's  not always what we see, but how we see it. The point of view taken can change how everything in your life, thru your eyes, is dictated in your mind, and ultimately thru your action/reaction. Someone may say something to you, and you take offense, hours later, you're still stewing over the comment, but the reality is they may have not meant it at all the way you perceived it. That's not always the case, there are times they actually did mean it...unfortunately.

   Let's  stay with the positive side. Let's say your boss asks you to do a particular job that isn't in 'your sphere'. You think he's trying to pull one over on you, maybe he trusts you, or he just might be honing you for better things to come. Either way, you will be a better person for it. When taken to the crossroads, always look both ways. Try to find every angle you can to perceive thru others lenses, not just one.

  It's amazing what can happen when everyone's perceived ideas at a business meeting can change with thought out questions, bringing preconceived ideas to an end and increasing clear unified perception for all.

This thought on perception is from our Sphere-Logic Business Thinking. To find out more about  Arnold Group  and how we can help you grow your business, click on the link or email us at:  info@agrpllc.com