Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

Welcome, and thank you for considering us as your source for guidance, inspiration, and growth. Arnold Group is home of “Sphere-Logic Business Thinking”; a more practical way of doing business. A get 'out-of-the-box realm, and into a new realm of business logic; where sight is much clearer, vivid, and decisions are quicker.

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

I don't want to be in the bullpen...

   "I don't want to be in the bullpen, I want to be an All-Star!"  Joseph Andreozzi said that at a Proverbs group meeting one Monday evening. That phrase stuck in my head, I couldn't shake it then and I can't forget it now.

    He  went on to say that just sitting and waiting for something to happen or for someone else to start it was just out of the question. Joe wanted to be in the 'GAME'! I pondered the thought from different points of view, and though life is not a game, I don't want to be on the side-line watching as life passes me by, I want to be in the game giving it my all.

  Did  you ever notice the player that gets injured, he's sitting on the side with an icepack  on his knee or whatever; mentally he's still in the game, cheering, rooting for his team, very much a part of the game. Even worse, to be in the penalty box. Most of time they are waiting for the OK to, "Get back in the game!"

 You  may have gotten knocked down, or bruised during the game, but that doesn't mean you quit. You're at the side-line, you keep cheering your team till you're able to get back in the play. Everyone has their part to play till the final bell rings.

  You've  practiced or studied courses for weeks, months, and even years to get to this point in time. Whether you're a professional sports person or in a manufacturing facility being the CEO or the janitor, whether a teacher or student. don't be left on the side line get in the game. 

  No  matter what the score at the end of the game (preferably in your favor), if you  gave it your all, your a winner. We all get one day at a time to give each one our best shot; don't miss the opportunity to do as Joe does everyday...Shoot to be an all-star!