Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

Welcome, and thank you for considering us as your source for guidance, inspiration, and growth. Arnold Group is home of “Sphere-Logic Business Thinking”; a more practical way of doing business. A get 'out-of-the-box realm, and into a new realm of business logic; where sight is much clearer, vivid, and decisions are quicker.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Getting Serious About CHANGE

The higher the Altitude the better your perspective.

  In my writings I like to take to the different view rather than follow the same-ole-same-ole. Be it for the challenge of your mind to think in different quantum's? I suppose so! Otherwise, wouldn't it be hum-drum to read the same story with a different title? SO, let's do the twist!

  Whether you can agree with me or not, don't you like a challenge of thought processes now and again? Just as Sphere-Logic Business Thinking drove some up the wall a few years back, but now everyone has jumped my
bandwagon of destroying the "BOX" mentality! Unfortunately, for some, the box has held them captive to this date and time. The box was fine back in the day; thinking outside it was the next move; BUT it's time to roll on!

  Getting rid of the box was/is great, but now they're outside the box wandering around scratching their heads, "Now what?". [There are a few companies out here getting on the "Sphere" thinking mentality. Check out a couple my earlier writings on the subject.]

  Everyone talks about change, they'll tell you change is good and they would like to; but no one does anything to change what it is to make that change in the first place.

  You first have to have a change in mind. Without a new mind-set, it's not going to happen. You need a vision (dream) along with motivation, inspiration, and even perspiration if need be.

  Before we go any farther, let's ask "WHY" do we want change? WHAT is it we want to change, others, things, circumstances?  Right off the bat, good luck trying to change others; inanimates will be more easy to change, and self will take on much more of a discipline; but that's exactly where we need to go. "SELF"

  Attitude is center on the sphere of things to change -- to change that mindset. Your attitude will reflect your persona for the day or your general personality for life.  Know the cliche', "misery loves company", well, you will find it if it doesn't knock you over first.

  I always say, "Good Attitude is High Altitude!" I won't explain that thought, I want you to think on it. The moment your feet touch the floor in the morning your first thoughts should be that of a positive nature.
Thankful for a new day, a new beginning, the shot at making this one better than the last.


  If you're waking up thinking 'here we go again', or 'in 9 more hours it'll all be over', you're starting your day defeated before you even start. Some of you might like
1. only your job,
2. only your coworkers, or
3. may not like your boss,
4. your direct reports or subordinates,
5. a few may not like anything but the paycheck at weeks end.

 Real Life sample: 

  Coaching a production manager just a few short months ago, she had an altitude problem. She couldn't see the whole picture, she only saw what she wanted. Her personal agenda, self preservation, and a slight ego got in the way. I was hired by the president by the company to help bring her along before the inevitable would take place. (So you see, I wasn't on her team so to speak, and her team was that of ONE.)
  It took a couple months to raise her altitude in order to correct attitude.  Direct reports had ideas, if she liked them she made them hers and if she didn't she would blast them out the door. As far as associates on the production floor, not even the time of day. She had a mission, to get to the top no matter who gets hurt. Unfortunately, she didn't realize she was heading for the door without knowing it.  That is, until the day of our first meeting.
  The President  thought she was a great production manager; the work got done with aggravated effort, but she needed much refining in the team-working -social arena. Some times it takes a little more work to correct the path we're on.
  Which of these above areas are you in ? I may be talking to Exec's as well. Life may have gotten out of control  a degree or two. You have got to change your attitude in order to change your life! In the case of our PM above, she's coming along.

   We don't have to agree all the time on everything, but we should all still get along and respect each others thoughts and perspectives.

  There are times you have to let go of something in order to hold onto something else. That takes change, an attitude adjustment, to let go of the old and grasp the new. Are you ready for change in this new year? You can start today, tell yourself one thing you want to change out loud. Come on, you can do it, you talk to everyone else, you mumble to self (negatively). It's time to speak aloud the changes you want/need to make, and follow thru one step at a time.

Arnold Group has been
"Building dreams, teams, and friends for life, not just clients!"
since 2002