Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

Welcome, and thank you for considering us as your source for guidance, inspiration, and growth. Arnold Group is home of “Sphere-Logic Business Thinking”; a more practical way of doing business. A get 'out-of-the-box realm, and into a new realm of business logic; where sight is much clearer, vivid, and decisions are quicker.

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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Middle Managers Prospectus

 As managers, we have come to the conclusion that we have to do it all, 'get er done', keep things moving, etc. When in fact (admit it or not) we can not do it all, even in delegation there are times when you are short-handed, low on allotted time on that days' schedule; and you realize it wont be done today. 

What do we do?

 You put your best on the job for each particular position at hand and hope for the best possible outcome... right? Wrong!! There are things we can do to make life a bit less complicated. This is new for some and just a small reminder for the seasoned manager.

Here are 6 steps to help you 'get er done' in some of your most pressing days:

1. Listen! Listen! Listen!
What do you hear the producers saying on the production floor? Does any have a thoughtful strategy? Could be they thought this thru before you; after all, they operate the day to day. Your associates are closest to almost all the situations on the production floor. Feedback is very, very important, listening even more-so.

                               Then you must act on that info!

2. Make each step count.
 Consider each step a stepping stone toward the goal. Well thought out moves are done before you make a move, not during, takes place. Are the right people for the job selected? Look ahead for obstacles that can and will arise. Plan an execution for each.
 Cross-training should be an essential part of any manufacturing culture. A/G specializes in group and one on one training methods to ensure production control.

3. It only works if you work it!
Many a good intentional plans have gone to dust because of poor execution or none at all. Try working the scenarios in your head, with a colleague, on paper, etc first; but do it or it won't get done!
Procrastination is a major production killer for any organization. Thinking things thru is one thing, but letting go, even for a time, is another.

4. Don't drift!
 This happens quite a bit. No one does this deliberately, but you may start out over here doing the right things, someone calls you for one thing or another,
all of a sudden you catch yourself an hour or so later not doing what your main intentions were. You must stick to the point and plan at hand.

5. Don't be afraid to stretch yourself or your team above and beyond!
Growth comes from stretching and building. Muscles don't grow unless you put pressure against them, same thing here applies. Your associates won't get mad or angry with you, they will see it as a measure of trust you put on and in them. (If they see it otherwise, they aren't team members)

Which leads us to:
6. Be immersed in the growth process!
 Leaders lead by example, not from the side-lines. Give it your all, they will follow suit. There's nothing worse than coming up with plans, strategies, and thought processes that never come to fruition.

Arnold Group has been serving businesses, manufacturing companies, career climbing men and women for some time now. "Building dreams, teams, and friends for life, not just clients!"