Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Growing Self Gratification in the Work Place

   Can you as an employer create self-gratification, self-esteem, or self-respect for your employees? Showing moral motivation in the work place is the place to start. It starts with respect of self. If you don’t respect yourself you can’t and will not respect others.
  Once you teach them to have respect for themselves, others and their thoughts and ideas, ethnics, property, you can begin to work on our second phase, self-esteem.  In some cases it may take a while to get through the first stage.
  Self-esteem according to Webster is, “a good opinion of ones self”, not to be confused with pride. Some people have bad opinions of themselves. A poor self image. This may be from their upbringing, or school, a compilation of several things in their life. This leads to poor work habits, not getting along with other associates, and so on.
  Self-control and responsibility are key factors in this growth experience. Without them all else fails. Giving your associates key responsibilities (things that are just out of reach) stretches their mind and imagination. Self-control is just that! Only “self” can control, no one can attain to it, self-control must be done in a deliberate-state-of-mind!
  It’s about behavior. Creating positive attitudes in behaviors with raising the bar, while discrediting negative attitudes and behaviors without destroying that person we’re working with. This can be a delicate place to be, and it must be done.
  The next piece (peace) is self-gratification. This is nothing on your part, but your associates’. When they see where they were vs. where they are, well, its gratifying. Simple as that. But we know it took a lot of hard work from then till now.
  So let’s see now, we started out with (1) self-respect and respect for others. Then we talked about (2) self-esteem, along with (3)self-control and giving higher responsibility. To final stage, (4) self-gratification.
  It all starts with you, the leader. You show the way, by your actions, not just what you say. Don’t underestimate your associates. They know and will find you out. You’re there to cheer them on, make them better, and lead the way. That in turn makes everyone a winner.
  This is part of our (PPP), Progressive Production Planning. This is just a summarized version and is not in its entirety.   

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