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Friday, July 25, 2014

Discipling Leaders for Leadership.


    No  one wants to give away all their secrets; after all, that's what brought them to the top... or is it? The biggest challenge every leader faces is to teach their leaders-to-be everything they themselves know. The fear of trust and faith in others comes to play with the emotions. Yet, that is what's demanded of us if we are to have the best of the best working with us.

                   "Teach them everything you know!"

    Moses  was one of the greatest leaders of all time, had many followers, but didn't make many leaders. Sure, he had two, Joshua and Caleb, and seventy down the line, but from several million that's very minuet. That list goes on with the same effect, Napoleon, Hitler, Lincoln, Reagan, even Pres. Obama; they all lead , but not one made many followers. This keeps Moses still at the top of the list for now. Don't run just yet... 

  On  the other hand, Jesus made many leaders he called them disciples, and they went and made more and so on. A disciple is one who is called to learn everything the leader teaches, so that one day they too will lead the next generation. The same should be in business. BUT, most of the time everyone is so worried about losing their job to someone else for one reason or another; that good discipleship or training from a leader is hard to find. In fact! It is. 

   The  manager (leader) is the go-to person when you're on the manufacturing floor. When you get to him/her, they are having problems of their own. Maybe you get, "Come back later", or "Not right now, can't you see I'm busy?" Years ago, I remember a supervisor that wouldn't even talk to you unless it was a command from to you. Maybe the leader is in the 'can't lose my job to this guy' syndrome.

   Is  the situation an on going thing or happenstance (temporary dilemma)? If temporary then don't worry about a thing, just shrug it off while they get themselves back on track. BUT, if it's on-going, you my friend have yourself a problem in your management team. What can we do about something like this? Do we just write it off or do we deal with it head-on! This must be dealt with, and the sooner the better. And the place to start is with self!

  We  have to take on the responsibility of servant-leadership and pass it down thru the ranks. No one can do that better than you, the head. Your actions speak much louder than your words; the 'do what I say, not as I do' thing doesn't work; it didn't work with you, and it won't work on others.

                "The biggest challenge every leader faces is to teach 
        their leaders-to-be everything they themselves know."

  The  leader you are, are the leaders you'll make. Over time, what you have programmed within you, you will ultimately disciple or nurture in others over time, whether good or bad. So how do you make good leaders or disciples of your followers or employees? Teach them everything you know!

   Be  the leader you want them to be!  You want them to be on-time, you must be on-time. They need to be cordial and friendly to your customers, be cordial and friendly to them. They need to put their best efforts in, so should you. Do you see the pattern? It's not a "do as I say!", It's "Do as I do" attitude that wins every time. It's a very simply-hard thing to do. Meaning that it takes thought and effort to work it thru, especially at first, As you grow into it, it does become second nature and much easier as time goes on.

For more information on how we can help you and your team be the very best you can be, e-mail us at: info@agrpllc.com

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