Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

Welcome, and thank you for considering us as your source for guidance, inspiration, and growth. Arnold Group is home of “Sphere-Logic Business Thinking”; a more practical way of doing business. A get 'out-of-the-box realm, and into a new realm of business logic; where sight is much clearer, vivid, and decisions are quicker.

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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Planning Is Not Scheduling Work

   Planning  your work is not scheduling your work. They are both apart of a process. Process is a procedure or procedures governing an end to a mean. Each step governs the accuracy, first of itself, then, to and of the next. The whole object is to find the perfect group of steps or moves in the precise order and the precise timing (or at least as close as one can get) to complete a given cycle...

  Thus  we have, Sphere-Thinking, it takes a 'no-box' mentality and brings you to a "spherical mentality" , where there are no exact walls and the sky is the limit [as far as where you want to take it]. Spheres can move thru rough terrain, up and down slopes, cutting corners with complete agility. It takes the same approach with your production. Now what would rather do, work with a box or a sphere?

   Mapping  your production before it hits the manufacturing floor is where you want to start. Each work station has a set of procedures in and of itself, usually called SOP's or {standard operational procedures}. Mapping is the forerunner to a formal floor layout of the production. The objective in mapping is that your plans are made before hitting the production floor, not flow-as-you-go.

 Evaluate  everything first! Progressively evaluate everything before making your physical moves. in this way, you wont get caught up side-tracking or worse, back-tracking. You don't want to say, "I should have did this first, or that ." By scoping your project into the right paths with cads or grafts, you create the opportunity to fine tune before ever hitting the production floor.

Feedback! Lots of feedback! Take Q&A from your producers, the professionals running your equipment. They know the equipment better than anybody. You may be the "BOSS", but you're still a team member. Remember, arrogance comes before the fall. As a company or organization no one is least among you, all have an important roll, no matter. In the military we all took responsibility for each other, "We Were Team", equal in all respects on the field. Though there was a commander, the respect for all was mutual. This same concept applies here. For more information on our PPP program contact us at: info@agrpllc.com

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