Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

Welcome, and thank you for considering us as your source for guidance, inspiration, and growth. Arnold Group is home of “Sphere-Logic Business Thinking”; a more practical way of doing business. A get 'out-of-the-box realm, and into a new realm of business logic; where sight is much clearer, vivid, and decisions are quicker.

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Friday, May 8, 2015

PUSH comes to SHOVE!

   I love to do acronyms, and haven't done them in a while. So, I have a double dose for your appetite today. It came to me a couple weeks ago while in on a meeting. The President of the company was using an acronym for his speech that day. He kept using the phrase, "You have to push yourself!" along with it.

  Along with the rest of the weeks' meetings a formation was taking place for those who want to succeed. Succeed in their home, career, life in general. The acronym PUSH was birthed into my thoughts as I contemplated the weeks' thoughts.

P- Pursue. You don't get anything unless you hunt it like a lion for his meal. Thinking will not get you where you want to be; you need to pursue and chase down your dream.

U- Utilize your time, friends, colleagues, your accessibility to your PC (phone, email, etc.). Don't waste anything to get to where you want to be. Do not ever abuse, and expect to repay.

S- Sustain your ground! Always move forward, never backward. Wait patiently where you are if needed to gain your perspective and composure. Under no circumstance back down from your vision, your dream.

                                      H- Stay Humble at all costs. When you start getting haughty, that's when you'll lose ground, friends, jobs, and even family. Remember where you came from and where you're going. Remember pride goes before the fall.

Then after more pondering on these, another word came into play. Sometimes you have to PUSH your way to success. BUT that's not the end of it. there are time when PUSH comes to SHOVE!

S- You want to Salient, flourish, achieve what you thought was unattainable! It links you back to Sustaining.

H- Keep Humility in front of you at all times as you climb your ladder. No matter how high you climb, there's always those above you as well as those behind.

O- Obsessive! Eat, drink dream your dream into existence. We're talking about a healthy obsession. While  you're bringing your vision into being, help someone else bring theirs into fruition too. Remember the law of reciprocity, give then receive. Believe me it works! In today's lingo, 'what goes around, comes around'.

V- Never lose the Vision. It keeps clarity, perception. It will bring you to your Victory. Let no one take it, talk you out of it, or pull you down. Stick to your guns, your dream. It wasn't theirs to begin with.

E- Always, always give it the best you've got. Heart, body, and soul! Be nothing short of Excellence. There will always be the opportunity looking for you, and not you looking for opportunity. It makes you stand out in the crowd. It makes you Exquisite, first-class among your peers.

Hope this little acronym was not only fun, but helps you with your way to succeed on your journey. For more inquiries about us go to:
www.agrpllc.com or email: info@agrpllc.com 

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