Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

Welcome, and thank you for considering us as your source for guidance, inspiration, and growth. Arnold Group is home of “Sphere-Logic Business Thinking”; a more practical way of doing business. A get 'out-of-the-box realm, and into a new realm of business logic; where sight is much clearer, vivid, and decisions are quicker.

Thank you for joining the experience...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Planning Makes The Difference

  No  two business plans are alike. They are as distinctive as you are. Just as having a twin brother, you both may look alike, to a degree think alike, but you are not alike. Just ask your mother! The needs for your business will have different patterns than that of someone else. Even if you both decide to open the same type. You will have a differing attitude for one aspect of the business where as I would have another take on it.

  For  instance, let's open a bakery. You may want the donuts to be main-theme for your shoppe, I on the other hand may want bread. Two more blocks away, the third bakery may want cheesecake to be the main theme. We are all selling the same exact thing, but we all have a different main theme.

  This  same thought goes into the business plan as well. If anyone tells you they're all the same (generic), run from them! They'll take your money and time and give you little in return. Basics are basics, the bank wants the main, basic ingredients of your plan, but then there are the nitty-gritty aspects that change your plan from all others. Your personality, your wants, and needs you expect from the business. After all, it's an extension of yourself. Your life, money, and sweat is going to go into this venture.

  You  have to count the cost before you do anything. The what cans and cant's of what you are able to do to sustain in a hard-time crunch, not just the dream of what you wish to accomplish in so many years.

  There  are Solution Providers, to help you see your dreams become reality. Don't start something that can't be finished. Yes, somethings are worth fighting for, working hard to attain. SP's help you find that fine line of hard questions. Do not go it alone. Too any have crashed and burned because of no or little counsel.

  If you have any questions about start-ups or growing your business visit our web-site:


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Look for the Book!

    As you all may know by now, here at Arnold Group, we not only think outside the box and/or in it, but we use a revolutionary idea of thinking... with a sphere.
    Sphere-Logic is a mini-series of booklets that is starting in February of 2015. Not using drawn out precepts (too wordy), it explains how this system works. The first booklet is called 'The Sphere'.

   Your business, family, friends, vacations, yes everything you do is vacuumed in the sphere. It's always moving, because you're always moving. Not stuck in a box or behind it! At least we hope that's the case.
Think about it for a moment. Isn't it easier to move a sphere (wheel) than a box? For more information about Sphere-Logic, click info@agrpllc.com and leave your name and number and we'll get back.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can we Pareto to a bigger scale?

  We all know the stats on the Pareto theory. But, can we experience a bigger part than just 20 vs. 80. Is it possible to get more than 20% of our staff on board? Or do we just say, "It is what it is!"
  The answer is "YES", it is possible to build that percentage rate. It will take hard work on your part to get there, but is it worth the time and energy? Again, YES! Are you up to the challenge?
  Being the good leader that you are, you need to start challenging your associates to step up to the plate and start being the leaders you want them to be. All assuming that your leadership skills haven't fallen off the edge of the cliff.
  To create good leadership you must first practice what you speak. Live it yourself, or your associates will read right through you and you will be wearing mud on your face. Great leaders are not afraid to get down in the trenches with their troops. Centuries ago the kings of great armies went to war and fought side-by-side with their soldiers.
  Be glad I'm not asking you to go to war in that sense, but to go to war to overcome the situations of bad work ethics, laziness, and the such.
  You say, "How do I, where do I start?" You start with servant-leadership, that is to say, "Do as I do!" Leaders can't just give orders without first having vision, clarity, and the willingness to do (or have done) it themselves.
 For more information or to set up a free consultation e-mail us at info@agrpllc.com

Saturday, May 21, 2011

AG Round Table Talk: The Manager (Supervisor)

AG Round Table Talk: The Manager (Supervisor): " The manager (supervisor) is the go-to guy when you're on the manufacturing floor. When you get to him/her, they are having problems of thei..."

Monday, January 3, 2011

Pareto- the experience

   Did you know that as an Exec, CEO, Pres, Etc., taking twenty (20) minutes at the beginning of your day will give you 80% more workers working at their favorite company! Looking at your faces you didn't know that. Most of you don't, some of you ignored it from other Solutions providers, and the rest started  either after one of our seminars, or during a meeting from the opposite side of the desk. For those who listened, you're reaping the rewards.
   Coming out of your office call box and onto the work-floor in your first twenty minutes upon entering the building, not to solicite information. Actually for nothing else but to greet YOUR employees with a sincere "Good morning", "How are you." Showing you care may be a bit too much you say, "I don't have time for small talk", but with that mentality, no wonder you can't get all your clients work out on time! This is a two-way street.
   The most important things to tend to other than family is to take time for your work-family. They are there at least one-third (1/3) of the day. You may not realize it but statistics say that 90% of your workers/co-workers consider themselves a working-family. Disfunctional maybe, but still a family. AND guess what? you're the head of that family!
   If you can start yours' and their day off to a good start. Important meetings become meetings disciplinary actions will be almost a thing of the past. Production will increase. I'm not saying you died and went to heaven, but it sure will be a lot closer to the end product. You just need to be genuine with your associates, they know a fake. be real be genuine yopu're the leader. Lead by example.