Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

Welcome, and thank you for considering us as your source for guidance, inspiration, and growth. Arnold Group is home of “Sphere-Logic Business Thinking”; a more practical way of doing business. A get 'out-of-the-box realm, and into a new realm of business logic; where sight is much clearer, vivid, and decisions are quicker.

Thank you for joining the experience...

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Creating the Better Process

 This blog is a little different than others I've written. It is somewhat of a plug for my mission in my life's work. Which is to help companies be the best they can be. My slogan says it well:

                      "Building Dreams, teams, and friends for life, not just clients".

I started this company twelve years ago, thinking and working with other processes; such as 5-S, lean tools, best practices, 6-Sigma. They didn't work single-handedly in any one organization, I needed a piece of each to do my part for my clients.
Changing up constantly from one to the next (which got tiresome) fatigued me, chasing after the perfect formulas. Change management started with me before it got carried onward.

So I started analyzing my own theories on the matter, asking other colleagues question after question picking their brains; and after several years of studies came up with, what I call "PPP", or progressive production planning. This process not only accelerated my time, but also quickened the ROI for the client.

During this time, of course I noticed that while I was contemplating "PPP" I needed a better fix on the manufacturing floor. I birthed the "Easy-Flow System" to accommodate the new processing procedures. It was a success, and still is today. Since its total inception in 2009, it has been a win-win for my clients and myself.

The EFS arranges the production floor in such a way as to accommodate each area or work space. Our whole concept of Sphere-Logic Business Thinking is the easiest flow of progressive production with an ROI which surpasses the sum by 500% when fully mature in nature.

EXAMPLE: A plastics company which printed (off set and silk-screened), did all its fabricating in-house came to me, they had a jumble of machinery. A machine was here, one was somewhere else; their scheduling had an attitude that did not match the production floor. Don't get me wrong, they didn't just trow them anywhere; it happened as they grew; the first open area was filled by equipment to keep production on going. After time the floor was just hand over foot to get things done. Extra parts were fabricated at a rate of almost 35% more to make sure there was enough to ship. Yes, I had my work cut out for me.
When I came in and did my routine (of course) of asking the various questions and answers that need be, I studied their routine and system for several weeks and started making various changes of operation on schematics and else where. Over the weeks ahead they saw a change in their production. It was climbing and we had only just begun. Over the season of a year they went from $2.5mil to $4mil. Before I came the companies growth was approximately  $100k-$250,000k per year. At the four (4) year mark this particular shop was benching over $11mil year of sustainable growth.

This is one sample of the "PPP" program, there are other stories, and yours can be next.
email: info@agrpllc.com

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Drudging the path of Mediocrity?

You  say you want to make changes in your life, make more time with family, or the way you always do business. You start your day off on the same foot, drudging the same path. Wouldn't you like to make that bold, daring, even courageous step forward in a new path? Surely the job can be the same, or not, but your perception will change the outcome.

   Drudginators  don't make things happen till things happen to them; and then it's for the most part too late, and done by force. Drudginators procrastinate, drag their feet, but most of all they DO NOT LIKE CHANGE. Watch a drudginator at work or anywhere for that matter the routine is very basic, you can pretty much know their day as well as they. You can say they've become 'slaves in a dungeon of self-mediocrity'.

  Innovators  make change in the things around them. They don't wait for change, they are that change! The Wright brothers didn't wait for someone else to build an aeroplane, they did it themselves. George Washington Carver, a great scientist, created peanut butter, among other inventions. Thomas Edison learned over a thousand different ways not to make a light-bulb. The list goes on, and you can add yourself to it, if you get aspirated and motivated. Inspiration + motivation = innovation!

Several  things will have to happen, and number one is getting the first foot on the floor. Motivation, get inspired by your passion;  Willingness, demand and decree your stand;  Eagerness, get zealous (on fire) to run with your passion.

They all start in small steps; at the same time they all move together. Liz Ryan, CEO of Human Work Place says it this way, "Getting your mojo on!" You have to dig your feet down and get serious about who you are, along with what and where you want to be.

 You'll  never make it to the peak if you stare at the mountain, you need to start climbing.  Don't be a grudginator, be an innovator, step away from the box mentality, in fact, trash the box and come into what I call Sphere-Logic Business Thinking. This brings you to a new thought of inspiration to achieve your aspirations. 

S0, what are you waiting for? For more information e-mail: info@agrpllc.com

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Do You Have $u$tainability?


 Everyone  going into business thinks they have it, but do they? It takes more than just cash flow to make it through the rough times; there's physical and mental endurance also. These first few years I call the'Trap'. And for good reason, if you can make it through the first five years, you are considered on your way to freedom. Some would make those years shorter, but that is a mislead. Statistics prove (over 75% nationally) that many businesses fail within the first Five (5) years due to falling in the trap.

                                   "John Wanamaker fell bankrupt
                                         fourteen before being a success!"

Usually  the reason is from a poor business plan concept. By that I mean the your BP may be a sound idea, but it's not the reality, it's the 'dream come true' thought. We want our business to succeed, we want it to be a great success, we are so enthused about it, we can make the banks see it in their heads as well. (OK, sometimes) You get the idea! There are these high ambitions that may come crumbling down if we don't have a reality check. Let someone take us on and give us the hard questions, the pros and cons; when they're done - do it again!

 Natalie Tarpinian, VP Sales @ SitePoint Media, wrote an article, "7 Essential Elements of a Business Plan, ways to avoid the trap before you start."

                                                                         PLEASE STAY, DON'T LEAVE NOW!

 The  (trap) flight or fleet with customers. They start coming to you for products or services. Your business seems to be flourishing for a time, maybe the first couple years. They're in flighting- mode; they come and go, not stuck to any particular business. Some come, but don't stay. You notice your customer base isn't what it started. It's a normal part of business, customers come  check you out, see if your services/products are what their looking for; will they leave (fleet) else where for you?

                                                                                     NO GIMMICKS PLEASE

 Your  service/products may be the same as others in your locality, but how you stand out from the rest is you getting out of the 'trap'. The worst thing to have is a gimmick, unless you're a food service, gimmicks are not sustainable, they lose appeal over a short period. Check out all the empty store front properties.

  Customer service and 'real value' is sustainable; it builds credibility and integrity to help you avoid any traps of a failing to be business. Can you endure the trap and be an over-comer?

 Not  to long ago, our design dept working with a client who was turned down three times by banks, created not just his website and logos made a disk of his plans, we made his business plan coincide with the disk. His reward, not only did he go back to the first back of choice and get approved, he received 1/3 more. It's been four+ years, and still growing, his bank loan is paid in full. Every twelve months he calls us in to keep his plan moving in the right direction.

  Build  your BP, making sure your foundation is strong and steady. Don't look for overly quick growth, but steady forward momentum. $u$taining is not fast, but it is steadily moving forward. Check your BP from time to time and make sure you don't lose the vision. And most of all, keep counsel with your BP provider, bank, close friends. Never go it alone. Wishing you all the best growth with your businesses.  

  Sphere-Logic Business Thinking is getting rid of the box mentality; and giving business real life thought. Working with the home and career sides of living simultaneously. Giving organizational leaders a step up to a fulfilling life. You can reach us at: info@agrpllc.com.

  "Building dreams, teams, and friends for life, not just clients!"