Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

Welcome, and thank you for considering us as your source for guidance, inspiration, and growth. Arnold Group is home of “Sphere-Logic Business Thinking”; a more practical way of doing business. A get 'out-of-the-box realm, and into a new realm of business logic; where sight is much clearer, vivid, and decisions are quicker.

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Creating the Better Process

 This blog is a little different than others I've written. It is somewhat of a plug for my mission in my life's work. Which is to help companies be the best they can be. My slogan says it well:

                      "Building Dreams, teams, and friends for life, not just clients".

I started this company twelve years ago, thinking and working with other processes; such as 5-S, lean tools, best practices, 6-Sigma. They didn't work single-handedly in any one organization, I needed a piece of each to do my part for my clients.
Changing up constantly from one to the next (which got tiresome) fatigued me, chasing after the perfect formulas. Change management started with me before it got carried onward.

So I started analyzing my own theories on the matter, asking other colleagues question after question picking their brains; and after several years of studies came up with, what I call "PPP", or progressive production planning. This process not only accelerated my time, but also quickened the ROI for the client.

During this time, of course I noticed that while I was contemplating "PPP" I needed a better fix on the manufacturing floor. I birthed the "Easy-Flow System" to accommodate the new processing procedures. It was a success, and still is today. Since its total inception in 2009, it has been a win-win for my clients and myself.

The EFS arranges the production floor in such a way as to accommodate each area or work space. Our whole concept of Sphere-Logic Business Thinking is the easiest flow of progressive production with an ROI which surpasses the sum by 500% when fully mature in nature.

EXAMPLE: A plastics company which printed (off set and silk-screened), did all its fabricating in-house came to me, they had a jumble of machinery. A machine was here, one was somewhere else; their scheduling had an attitude that did not match the production floor. Don't get me wrong, they didn't just trow them anywhere; it happened as they grew; the first open area was filled by equipment to keep production on going. After time the floor was just hand over foot to get things done. Extra parts were fabricated at a rate of almost 35% more to make sure there was enough to ship. Yes, I had my work cut out for me.
When I came in and did my routine (of course) of asking the various questions and answers that need be, I studied their routine and system for several weeks and started making various changes of operation on schematics and else where. Over the weeks ahead they saw a change in their production. It was climbing and we had only just begun. Over the season of a year they went from $2.5mil to $4mil. Before I came the companies growth was approximately  $100k-$250,000k per year. At the four (4) year mark this particular shop was benching over $11mil year of sustainable growth.

This is one sample of the "PPP" program, there are other stories, and yours can be next.
email: info@agrpllc.com

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