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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Want to be a great leader?

                      Get out of the fox hole!

Don't take others for granted
  Expecting from others what you can't do yourself, stepping on feet to get to the finish line, taking credit for what doesn't belong to you, and ending here with an "I'm better than you" attitude is not the making of any kind of leader, no matter what! Taking people for granted is a cheap way to the top and a fast fall when you least expect it. That's not proper leadership etiquette.
 A great leader asks, "What's required of me? How can I make things better?", not the other way around. Giving your employees and/or team all the tools they need to succeed is a sing of a successful leader.

It's not what you do, it's who you are                 

  You can do and say a lot of things, but ultimately when it's all said and done the real you will pop his/her head. Words come from the mouth, but truth comes from the heart. It's not every word people hear you say, but how you react, receive, and listen them. Actions are much louder than mere words. Your body language alone tells someone what you think of them. The point, always be yourself, not what others think you should be.

Don't always make prognostic decisions
   Great leaders brake the rule zone, they don't follow, they lead. Great leaders don't follow in the tracks of what was, they create and mandate new beginnings. Prognostics go back to what happened time after time in the past, sure history has it's place and we can and do learn from it, but it doesn't mold our future. Methods change, ideas are altered, innovation is fresh and anew; so leave prognosis in the past.
  Notice: If you want change, stop doing the same thing. Change it!

Get out of the fox hole! 
  If you lead from behind, you're in a foxhole. Such as when you're behind your desk, or in another section other than where your team is. 
  If you lead from the middle, you're in a foxhole. Such as when you blend in with your team. You don't make the final judgement calls when needed. You take equal blame, and all the credit.
  If you lead from the front, (you got it!) you're out of the foxhole leading the team to victory! You give the credits to the team, you take the heat when things go awry. You disciple (teach) your team, and give them everything needed for the process(es). You have compassion for everyone
(sometimes its tough love), but give no pity (feel sorry but not helping).
  Perspectives change once you're out of the foxhole, vision is clear, you should become innovative in thinking, you're not as other leaders. Motives become WE not me! 

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