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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Reflextions and Promises

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     As we reflect on the past year and anticipate the coming New Year, we make promises  to fix what we didn't
do, to try and make amends in the up and coming.

  For some, we'll make new resolutions, only to break them a month into it. Some will last longer, and only a very few will endure to victory.

  Can we save ourselves from ourselves? AH! The question at hand. The answer is a definite YES.

  Don't let diffidence hold you back, grow your confidence, believe in yourself. Say, "I can do this!" boldly.

  I don't want to sound too lectury about this, after all, almost everybody and their Mother is writing a piece just like this. (Sorry Mom) Here we go again!

           Too many try and bite more than they can chew!

 The idea is to put what you can do in front of you do it, then add on one thing that's a bit harder for you to control and stick to it. Which is easier to do, put a fry in your mouth, or a big potato? 
When it comes to doing a makeover or a big lifestyle change, it would suffice to start with smaller bites.

            Small beginnings lead to large victories. 

Know what you can handle and start there. Having a victory or two under your belt builds momentum and gives you that inner drive to move forward.

  Never ever threaten or swear to yourself when you fail or break under pressure. 

Hey! Life happens, just make and keep your promise to get it right and do better tomorrow; that only leads to dismay and quitting all together.

  So, with this in mind, let's look for a bright New Year.


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