Welcome to Arnold Group's Sphere-Logic Business Thinking

Welcome, and thank you for considering us as your source for guidance, inspiration, and growth. Arnold Group is home of “Sphere-Logic Business Thinking”; a more practical way of doing business. A get 'out-of-the-box realm, and into a new realm of business logic; where sight is much clearer, vivid, and decisions are quicker.

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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Why Strive to Survive when you can Thrive

                                                           I've coached good leaders, and 'not-so-good'  leaders;
                                                    we're talking about teachable vs. unteachable persons here.

  The 'not -so-good' leader was basically thrown to the wolf (coach) versus personal  all sound  reason. They thought they were doing a well enough job without a coach. Basically I was their inheritance, the gift they didn't want from hierarchy.

   They would through the motions dealt by the coaching staff; and after it was all said and done, they received a lot of information and decided not to use what was given them. Some of those employees were replaced by these companies, and my staff resumed coaching. Some of these companies are still surviving... just SURVIVING! The question contemplated now...

          Why survive when you can thrive?

  Those who chose to be coached, not only grew in the company, but grew in themselves, to the point that some have moved upward in other positions and/or companies.

  Pro ball players hire coaches and personal trainers to help improve their game; politicians hire coaches to prepare speeches and help them learn to speak in front of large audiences and stand out from the crowd.

  It's been almost 5 months while coaching a major league retail store Mgr. He's made life so easy, eager to learn, not afraid to tweak his ego in any area we may enter into. I'm not his drill sergeant, but keep him pushing in the right direction.  He' has also made plans to bring on some staff.

 This isn't the case for everyone. Meaning, they may all want what this client has (the motivation), but it takes others a little longer to achieve.

                                                  How bad do you want it!            

  There's a bond, a mutual awareness and respect for our positions in this client/friend relationship. The reason? Everybody has a closet that needs to be opened, but we don't want to clear it out right away. Some of us hang on to things in our life along the way and don't want to let go. These things are called...  


  Some are good and some are not. Non the less certain habits can cause our careers to sour. It takes some coaxing and coaching to get our habits aligned. Your coach (personal trainer) should help you rid of the bad habits and work on strengthening and growing good habits. Keeping your strengths strong and your strengthen your weaker areas.

   If you're not growing, moving forward in your client/coach relationship, you may need another coach; if you are a coach, you may need to drop the client if the relationship isn't moving. An important piece of information is feedback, without it you're building a chasm between you and the client. It's like your personal report card, keeping you on track.  

                                         Bridging the gap with good communication
                                                          between client and coach.      
  Coaches aren't for everyone, they are for anyone who wants to grow in their field. Your coach and you, or you and your client should be a better than good fit. 

  Respect, Honesty, and Equality should be keep words to grow a great bond. Listening and understanding your (plural) plans as you move forward toward your goal is essential. This is how good habits will be formed, molded, and personified.

  Companies today, along with company presidents, CEO's, plant managers, etc. are stepping up their game. They are bringing career coaches (CC) onto their team to dream into existence a more vibrant cohesive team for tomorrow and leave the survival mentality behind. Isn't it time you grow your future?

Our motto: "BUILDING DREAMS, TEAMS, AND FRIENDS FOR LIFE, NOT JUST CLIENTS!" It's our vision and missions statement.

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